1. Introduction
IFStatus was developed for Linux users that are usually in console
mode. It is a simple, easy to use program for displaying commonly needed /
wanted statistics in real time about ingoing and outgoing traffic of multiple
network interfaces with a simple and efficient view.
1.1. A piece of history
IFStatus is a continued work of PPPStatus and EthStatus. I decided to
rewrite it with a new philosophy: mix the support of different interfaces in
one application. For this project I used C++, STL and some design patterns
1.2. Features overview
You will find on this software the display features described below:
- Multiple interface support
- Bar graph
- Conectivity check
- Out and In transfer rate
- IP Address
- Online time
- Top Receiving
- Top Transmission
- Ingoing
- Outgoing
1.3. Requirements
To build the software the following libraries are required:
- curses (at least 4.2 version)
A CRT screen handling and optimization package. [project website]
- libstdc++
2. Configuration
The configuration for IFStatus is located at: ~/.ifstatus/ifstatus.cfg
2.1. Configuration Options
All options described on this topic is represented in cfg file
using the following instruction:
Option = Value
Use the character '#' for comments.
# Line comment
Option = Value # Comment after a instruction
PS: The options and values are *case sensitive*.
2.1.1. Interfaces
Use this option to add interfaces to be monitored. The separator is
comma. To add all interfaces detected on /proc/net/dev use the word ALL.
Interfaces = eth0, ppp0, lo, ALL
2.1.2. Information
This option is used to show or hide the interface informations.
The value should be ON, to show or OFF to hide.
Information = ON
2.1.3. GraphScale
This option is used to show or hide the scale information beside the
The value should be ON, to show or OFF to hide.
GraphScale = ON
2.1.4. GraphSource
This option is used to inform the data source which should be shown.
Use Out value for Transmited Bytes, In value for Received Data or In/Out
value for Transmited and Received Bytes.
GraphSource = In/Out
2.1.5. GraphPeriod
This option is used to inform the period (in seconds) of the graphic.
The value range is 1 to 60.
GraphPeriod = 1
3. Help to the project I would appreciate
What if you think that IFStatus is the best text console based
interface monitor program around? What if IFStatus is the application
you'd been waiting whole of your life, and want to express your
appreciation somehow? Helping the author you help the project itself to
keep rolling. It's not something vital I require to keep on writing and
improving IFStatus, neither you have to do it. I quite enjoy making it
in my spare time, and happy of the fact there are no deadlines and
obligations from my side. It's just my hobby.
So how you can express appreciation to the way I waste my spare
time, so that to make me a bit more happy and satisfied by my activities?
3.1. Feedback
You can write some feedback saying what you liked and what is missing
in the program. Also, don't be silent if you notice bugs. Just check
everything attentively and send a detailed bug-report to my e-mail.
3.2. Promoting the little program
I bet you read some computers related magazines and visit various
Linux related sites. Please don't keep silence instead of screaming out
your adoration for the little nice program. Submit it to a software site
or catalogue or/and encourage the authors of your favourite magazine to
take a look at it and possibly write about IFStatus, just contact me for
more details.
3.3. Donations
If you're a materialist guy like me, you might want to present me
something what I can touch, put on a sandwich or into my pocket. Here it
3.3.1. Money
The most universal way. Depending on a sum I will be able to drink one
more beer or mojito for the health of IFStatus users or buy a piece of
hardware, electronic gagdet or even a world trip ;)
3.3.2. Hardware
Since usually I write IFStatus at home, it's always nice to upgrade
the computer it's being developed with. It can increase the speed and pleasure
I get during the process.
3.3.3. Other stuff
Other stuff like t-shirts, souvenirs, albums or postcards with nice
views of the nature in places where you live, baseball tickets ;) are also
4. Thanks
Thanks to everyone which made this work possible with donations,
suggestions, knowledgment, tests, and so on.